Saturday, October 25, 2008


Entertainment value aside, what is a man in a monkey suit doing to sell chocolate? This is a question that has to be asked, because the answer may be the key turning the future of advertising. A year old, and highly popular, this ad redefines the concept of selling chocolate. More than 40 years ago, Bill Bernbach made advertising history with this iconic ad,

From web

The result? Lemon is still remembered today, not just for changing the face of Volkswagen, but for forcing the advertising industry to take a new direction - honesty. I'm not sure if the Cadbury Gorilla has the power to achieve what Lemon did, but it does provoke us to ask the same questions. Perhaps the fact that Gorilla beat my favourite Burst campaign at Cannes might have influenced me to be overly critical, but once you remove the gorilla, (how did it get there in the first place?), what remains? However, history may just repeat itself, as it is prone to, and who can say what the next 40 years may do for the Gorilla?

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