Saturday, October 25, 2008

PSFK Conference

The primary reason for this blog's existence and a long overdue post.

Do I start off with the gorgeous cars?
From Subjective objectivity

Do I start off with some gorging volunteers?
From Subjective objectivity

Ok, let me start at the beginning.
From Subjective objectivity

People arriving bright and cheerfully (all adjectives used in this post are fictional and resemblance to any person(s) dead or alive is purely coincidental) to start their day, and diligent volunteers ensuring that the proceedings proceed smoothly.

Having attended a brief social introduction session with the speakers the earlier night, all I had was a vague idea, and plenty of curiosity as to what would actually bring all these important people from all over the world together for just one day.

It was the beginning of an unusual day. I think of it as a day of ideas. Of course, it would be sound professional sense to list out the celebrities who were responsible for the ideas, and so here goes :

Piers Fawkes from PSFK
Jason Anello from Yahoo!
Nick Barham from Wieden + Kennedy
Jackson Tan from Phunk Studio
Floydd Wood and Jerry Clode from Flamingo International
Achara Masoodi from Mindshare
Paul Tan from POOL
Sonal Dabral from Bates 141
Jeff Staple from Staple Design
Rob Campbell from Sunshine/M&C Saatchi
Jeff Squires, from PSFK
and many more, whom I shall leave unlisted to save this post from being a mile long.

I could go into a lengthy description of the events that transpired at the day long conference, but since this post is about a day of ideas, I will restrict it to just that. More analysis and musings on the actual impact of the conference on this mind will be revealed in posts yet to come.

Here are some engrossed speakers
From Subjective objectivity

From Subjective objectivity

From Subjective objectivity

From Subjective objectivity

And some attentive listeners
From Subjective objectivity

From Subjective objectivity

I learnt three things mainly,

1) Be a master of one trade, while being a jack of others. Doing everything that inspires you from art and music to design and advertising, is actually possible.

2) Trend research is a rapidly growing field.

3) Learn the difference between an ad idea and an idea.

and the last invisible point, organising a conference is hard work, so hats off to the team!

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