Friday, October 24, 2008

To Dream of

Being in advertising makes people very sensitive to manipulation of emotions. That said, I nearly had a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes the first time I saw this ad. The reason is more than simple - it's the most beautiful ad I have ever seen in my life.

I belong to the school of thought that an ad shouldn't have to explain itself, shouldn't have to justify why it sells what it sells. To me, this ad is pure genius - it tells without telling and proves without proving. It makes me say, "one day, I want to make an ad like this."

It makes you feel like you do when you wake up after a wonderful night's sleep, that intrinsic feeling of joy and anticipation that makes you look forward to your day, your life, and your enjoyment of them. It's like jumping into a pond of cool water on a scorching day and feeling the water melt your skin. Or what you feel during an exhausting climb to the summit of a mountain and feel the breeze on your face as you look up at the sky above. It's more than just emotion, it's that one moment when all you feel is all you are.

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